Tuesday, March 21, 2023

What if your life was a balance sheet?

 First, let me tell you what this balance sheet is..its a statement which tallies a business's assests and liabilities (i.e) at the end of day it must be balanced..So, one might think why am i even comparing something related to a business with our life.. The first question which arises in my mind is Life and asset or a liability.. what do you think?Firstly talking about assests (the positives😁) your family, children, friends, relationships incase they support you in every aspect, motivate you, be back of you when you need them the most. Surprisingly these turn out to be the liabilities sometimes, and you will need to deduct them in order to be balanced...People throughout their life span spending every minute in building assests (monetary things like land, buildings, shares, investments etc).. forgetting that mental health is also an asset which turns to be a liability in near future... Do you really think these monetary things are your life's greatest assets. Now liabilities what do you think your life's greatest liabilities.. your mental health, day to day problems, sorrows, finding happiness, running after success(until you finally reach there)....your employer😝..Till the business lasts it maintains its book of accounts and somehow tries to equal its assests and liabilities, similarly till the end of our life span we strive for assets, manage our liabilities and ultimately try to balance each and every day of our life.... At the end of the day ultimately your assets and liabilities of life has to be tallied which is why life is called a balance sheet..


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