Well its been long time writing something and today this would be something…reliving those beautiful memories….
Dont you laugh if this is from someone who doesnt know what actually friendship is how that relation would actually be…. 25 years and if i look back it is always me alone in my whole world…… May be its because of my regulations at home that they never liked me to have friends or never allowed me so..
But there s always a time who you would require in your life to share your feelings thoughhh.. Then you actually find those who would readily accept your friendship and you become so close that you feel like sharing everything with themmm….
I always had a very negative opinion abt relationships in corporate be it because of people or the dirty politics that you find everywhere in that world….Untill i found someone whom i used to call sis (in corporate) may be because i respect her so much that i call her my sis so much that i have learned from her how the corporate life, people would be, do’s, dont’s and she was like a mentor to me and i ve enjoyed every moment of her company😍 may be shz the reason for everything im today with respect to corporate…
And there you go how can i forget the three muskeeters gang that we are which even the dirty manager of ours is afraid to even raise a question.. hahahaha funny and today even when we have parted our ways to find success in our carrers we still are so close and share all the good and bad that we are going through or gone through.. and others just wanted to join us and be part…
Never imagined that i would quarrel within the organization and end up referring her fo be part of the same organization which im part offf🙆🙆 and feel comfortable within yourself thinking thers someone closer to you whom you can share everything tooo as you are never comfortable to share anything in your organization…..😤
Life is so unpredictable …. You end up being friends with someone whom u never liked but never want to get into any relationship with people close by😬😬….